The Perfect Skincare Routine for Your Work-from-Home Skin!

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Let’s face it – it does get a tad bit challenging to keep up with a proper skincare routine while working from home. In fact, a lot of us wake up just in time to brush our teeth, slip into our comfort pyjamas and get to our laptops right away. Whether we’re eating, cooking or feeding our dogs – we’re also constantly switching between calls and meeting deadlines. While we’re becoming professionals at the art of multi-tasking, our skincare is gradually taking a back seat, isn’t it?

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So, when was the last time you applied your face serum or an anti-aging cream before you kickstart your work for the day? Let’s cut to the chase – whether you believe it or not, while working from home may seem comfortable, it also brings in plenty of changes to your skin. Your skin may get oily or even dry, might have more breakouts all of a sudden or worse, get dull or lose luminosity. Hence, it’s extremely important to stick to the skincare routine that you have always been following. If that’s too difficult to keep up with, here are a few things you can do to keep the health of your skin under check.

Stay hydrated This one’s simple – whenever you start working, all you have to do is to ensure having a bottle with you so that you can keep sipping water every half an hour. Once it’s over, take 20 seconds out of your busy schedule to refill it. In fact, this is a brilliant way to get up and take a stroll – this keeps you active and hydrated. In addition to this, you could also consider having a glass of lukewarm water every morning.

Sugar? No, please!

When you’re working from home, you probably have access to all the food in the fridge. From processed to packaged food – we can all admit we’re guilty of eating almost all that’s there. While all of these munchies may seem extraordinarily tempting, this sudden spurt in carbs and sugar can negatively impact your skin. So, next time around, when you’re hungry, eat fruits to satisfy your sugar cravings and make it a point to avoid box juices and eat less carbs for dinner.

Face packs are the best

We’ve all got five minutes to spare, right? It’s time to make use of this time and start whipping a homemade face pack. Do a quick online research on ingredients that suits and soothes your skin and follow it to the T. In addition to this, you could also go to Google and simply type in Kiehl’s store near me or visit their store at Select CITYWALK to check what products go with your skin. Pro-tip – The Kiehl’s rare earth deep pore cleansing masque is a must buy to keep your skin glowing!

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate

Although you aren’t really stepping out of your house, your skin does need a little bit of exfoliation. However, make it a point to not go overboard with it. Repeat it twice every week to ensure your skin is devoid of dead cells. Follow this up by applying a moisturiser to your face, preferably the Kiehl’s ultra facial cream. To add to it, it is recommended to avoid experimenting with too many products and stick to trusted and reliable brands like Kiehl’s – works the best our skin!

So, this lockdown, take some time out for your skin, pamper yourself – because skincare is self-care!

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