Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

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As laser hair removal gains popularity many ask “Does Laser Hair Removal Work?” It’s true that some people have gained great results with laser treatment while others have been very disappointed with their outcome.

The use of lasers is considered to be a permanent hair removal solution although this can be disputed by those who have not gained good results. Laser hair removal is definitely better than temporary hair removal methods which need to be repeated like shaving and waxing but there is a cost, quite a substantial cost.


As laser method of hair removal is gaining recognition for being a long-lasting hair removal method, there have been many questions raised about its efficiency. Today we explore the actual statistics that are generally accepted about laser hair removal and what you should hope to expect if you decide on having laser treatment for removing your unwanted hair.

Individual Laser Treatment Results

Of course, as all people are different, your personal results may differ too. The chart above explains that up to 45% of people get great results from laser treatments for hair removal, 22% reported that three quarters of the hair was removed.

These are pretty good results however; it is important to keep in mind that this information was gained people who attended a number of appointments with a professional laser hair removal technician. The goes without saying that results would be very different for home laser hair removal methods as home lasers are “geared down” so people do not harm themselves.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work? – Factors to Consider.

You need to arm yourself with certain facts about laser hair removal before deciding if this method of hair removal is right for you.

Understand the process. You will need to consult with your professional laser hair removal technician to find out if you are a good candidate for laser treatment. The light that the laser submits is targeted to the difference in pigment between the hair and the skin.

At your first appointment gel is applied to the area to be treated and then the laser is moved across the skin and the intense pulsed light of the laser is activated.

Understand the sensation. The feeling of laser treatment for hair removal has been likened to the skin being snapped by a rubber band. Some people tolerate this well while others say it is very painful. As technology has improved the sensation from the latest laser machines is said to be more like a tapping feeling and not at all painful. Your experience will be determined by the type of laser used and your personal pain threshold.

Understand the limitations. Laser hair removal is best suited to people with fair skin and dark coloured hair. Again, modern technology in the field of laser and IPL device is improving all the time and many manufacturers claim that their lasers can now effectively treat many different skin and hair types.

It is best to consult with your local hair removal technician about the limitations and what type of results you could expect.

Understand the cost. The cost of laser hair removal can vary greatly, depending on the type of laser being used, the technician, the salon or clinic where it is being done, the area on the body to be treated and your skin and hair type. For example, for full leg laser treatment you could expect to pay anywhere from $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 governed by the factors listed.

Understand the dangers. Not everyone has a good experience with laser treatments and it is important to know about laser hair removal dangers. There are some horror stories out there and some people have become permanently scarred.

Your best bet is to do plenty of research. Firstly, consult with your doctor and ask if they recommend or will refer you to a laser hair removal specialist. When you attend your first visit ask plenty of questions about the treatment itself, after care and what results you can expect to achieve. Ask also about the cost, the number of visits required and ask about payment options.

There are many people who have gained fantastic results by using laser hair removal as a method of permanent hair removal and others that have been less than impressed by their outcome. We hope that we have provided you some useful information and answered your question, Does Laser Hair Removal Work?


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