Beauty Tips for A Healthy Balance: The Do’s and Don’ts

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Got a company party to attend to, but you have a big zit on your forehead? Or do you want to go out with friends but don’t want to stay out too late because you don’t want to have dark circles around your eyes in the morning.

Is it too much to ask for a flawless and perfect skin?

People try new sunscreen, facial wash or anti-aging cream almost every day. The moment a new product hits the market, I’m pretty sure you are among the people who will get in line just to get these products. If dead, dry, patchy or oily skin is not enough – you now have a combination.

Beauty Tips for A Healthy Balance

In this article, we will try to help people to have beautiful and glowing complexion. But it’s not like cutting your hair. You can’t see the results immediately. A flawless, acne and blemish-free complexion that most people always desire can be easily achieved with all the beauty products available in the market today, as well as with the help of modern technology.

If you are wondering how celebrities get their beautiful and glowing complexion, it is not all because of expensive facial treatment.Some of them are because of dermal care tips that you can do at the comfort of your home to keep blemishes, dry or oily complexion at bay and help enhance your natural beauty. Whether you have the money or the time to do an intensive dermal care routine or not, you need to pamper yourself by doing these simple tips.

Listed below are some useful beauty & wellness tips that you can apply to your face to get the glow that you have always wanted.

The golden rule

Do: Make sure to remove your makeup before going to sleep – The human skin needs to breath when you are sleeping. Makeup and other cosmetic productsprevent that from happening. Leaving the makeup overnight can clog the pores of your epidermis, which can cause blemishes and blackheads. If you don’t have a cosmetics or makeup remover, you can use olive oil on a cotton ball and use it to massage your face to get rid of any dirt and makeup in your face.


Don’t: Do not forget that exfoliating is very important. At least exfoliate once or twice a week to remove all the dead skin on your face. It will make sure that you will have a brighter and healthier glow skin. You can also use a paste made of walnut powder with yogurt to exfoliate your skin. The antioxidants in walnuts can help remove dead skin and dirt, as well as promote a radiant face.

To find out more about exfoliation, click here to find out more.

Skin and Sun

Do: Apply an ample amount of sunscreen with SPF or sun protection factor of at least 15 that can help block both Ultraviolet A and Ultraviolet B rays. Since everyday exposure to sunlight can cause age spots, wrinkles or other forms of dermal problems.

You need to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. It would be best if you made sure that the label of the sunblock that you are using has “non-acnegenic” or “noncomedogenic” on it so that it cannot block your pores.

Don’t: Do not skip putting sunscreen. Whether it is cloudy, rainy or sunny outside, make sure to put on your sunscreen. If you are going to the beach or you are walking on a reflective surface like ice or snow, you need to put on a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of more or less 35.

Eat the right food

Do: Make sure to keep a note of what you are eating. Fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamins and the right amount of protein are essential for your body. A diet that is low in sugar and fats, as well as rich in Vitamins (especially vitamin C) can help you achieve the radiant and glowing complexionthat you are dreaming of. Consider a diet with low sugar. It keeps your insulin level in check, allowing the cells to maintain a good and healthy balance.

Don’t: Do not eat or avoid eating spicy and fermented foods, citrus fruits, salt and fried foods. Instead, you need to eat blander foods like oatmeal, applesauce or rice.

Sweat it out

Do: Make sure to exercise regularly. You do not need to go to a gym. Brisk walking, running, or cleaning your backyard can be considered as exercising. You can also do a simple yoga or a dance routine to give your body the right blood circulation.

Want to know more about skin tightening and exercises, visit Beauty Station for more information.

Not only that, it can help your body to accelerate the cleansing process. If you exercise regularly, you will notice a change in your complexion. The glow on your face will be very noticeable after working out.

Don’t: Do not skip your regular dermal care routine before or after a good workout. Apply face toner to help minimize the oil production of your face before heading out. After applying toner, exfoliate and use shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin.

Beauty sleep

Do: Make sure to sleep at least eight hours every night. If you do not get enough sleep, your epidermis can also get tired like the rest of your body. Your eyes get bags and your skin gets saggy. That is why it is imperative to have a good night’s sleep every time. You can also apply a face mask or honey to your face at least twice a week to help soothe and heal your skin.

Don’t: Do not try to forget to wash your face and apply moisturizer before having a shut eye. For people with dry skin, you can use a mild cleanser that does not have alcohol on it. Apply tons of moisturizer, as well as avoid washing your face with hot water because it can dry out your epidermis excessively.


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