Your Makeup Can Do with Some Minimalism

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The cosmetics industry is a lucrative industry. There’s always a new product being developed every hour. When you see a new release, you tell yourself you just have to try it. And you do. But you don’t continue using it because there’s a new one ready to take its place. You’re spending money but not giving products enough time to work.

Your Makeup Can Do with Some Minimalism

You’re losing. Your bank account is not happy, and your skin does not get any benefits either. Break this cycle by adapting some minimalism on your skincare routine. Ask yourself these questions:

Do You Need It?

When you’re online looking for eyebrow makeup for sale and you see a product recommended to you, it’s so easy to click on it to add it to your cart. It’s not that expensive, you tell yourself. You might even qualify for a coupon code. However, when you buy more than what you need, you’re also not giving its use much thought. Buying the products become more about the acquisition of stuff instead of getting items that benefit your skin. This isn’t to discourage you from buying skincare, but do so after doing some research. That recommended product might have several options, and one might be better suited to your skin than the variant you have chosen to buy. Instead of doing your skin some good, the wrong type might lead to breakouts.

Can You Afford It?

It’s easy to buy online products when you can pay by credit card. It’s convenient and perfect for emergency expenses–which makeup usually isn’t. Purchases paid for using a credit card take away the pain associated with spending because you don’t see the actual money being spent. It’s important that you assess your financial situation before you spend on the latest fad. It’s one thing to buy products that have proven to be effective and work great on your skin, but if the product is just hyped and you just want to join the bandwagon, do so when you have cash to spare.

Will You Still Want It Tomorrow?

One of the best ways to walk away from impulse purchases is by telling yourself you’ll buy the product tomorrow. Minimalism is all about buying just the essentials. When it comes to skincare, the essentials are your cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sun protection. If you have all of these, your skin will be set. Now, when you see an eyeshadow palette that has just been released, give it a day before you purchase it. Let the initial hype die down and ask yourself if you still want it. If it’s an impulse buy, you will not want it anymore; if it’s something you really want and it will make you happy, then go on and complete the purchase.

Still Have a Similar Product at Home

Do You Still Have a Similar Product at Home?

Before you give into an impulse buy, see if you have a similar product at home already. You might be tempted to buy a new body scrub, but you’re barely halfway through the tub you bought last month. Challenge yourself to finish this before you make another purchase. You can even tell yourself this is a reward.

Everyone deserves the best skincare products to use on their skin. If you’re looking to buy new products, make sure you will really use them; otherwise, they will only be wasteful purchases.


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