Best lip care routine for chapped lips

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How often have you dreamt about having alluring lips? Isn’t ‘too many times’ an obvious answer?’ Well, it surely is, since there is absolutely nothing pleasant about having a pair of chapped, dry lips anyway! And if you are tired of trying products after products and none of them really helped, here’s what you are missing – a healthy lip care routine with the best lip care products.

Yes, that’s true! Your lips are the most sensitive part of your face and it has to be attractive or at least maintained for its own good. Flaky lips aren’t only uncomfortable, but at times, they are painful too. So, before walking you through thelip care tips, let’s have a quick look at the reasons underlying it.

Best lip care routine for chapped lips
  • Chapped and flaky lips can be the result of environmental exposure.
  • Dehydration can often lead to a dry lip condition.
  • Too much citrus and salty food can irritate your lips. So, watch what you eat.
  • Watch your diet since lack of some nutrients deficiency such as fat can be the reason.
  • Licking lips makes the skin even drier!
  • Experimenting with a new product doesn’t really work.

5 best lip care routine

While paying attention to the above-listed points can solve more than half of your issues, it is time to finally check out the lip care routine-

#1 Cleaning it every day

Cleaning your lips on a daily basis can indeed have better results. You can use coconut oil, which is considered one of the best natural cleansers. It removes any kind of dirt smoothly. Especially, if you have chapped and flaky lips, being patient and soft on your lips are the only options. So, make sure you always clean your lips before going to bed.

#2 Massage your lips

Does it sound familiar? Obviously, for the rest of the face, right? But paying attention to your lips even more than that can work wonder. Massaging the lips is done on a daily basis right after cleaning them. This will help you lose flaky dead skin and any other impurities that may cause damage or darken your lips.

#3 Scrubbing

You just can’t miss scrubbing from the skincare routine. The same rule applies to the lip care regime as well. Scrubbing lips twice a week can work very well, removing all the dead skin and impurities. However, just make sure you go for the right scrub since a wrong one can irritate the skin even more! You can go for the product that is infused with rosehips, apricot, cocoa butter, etc. On the flip side, ensure it is natural and preservative-free!

#4 Apply lip balm often

Make it a habit to carry a suitable lip balm all the time. Apply it as often as required. Besides, if your lips are always dry, make sure to use it under lipstick as well. There are many lip balms available in the market. But again, make sure you pick the right one without chemicals and preservatives.

#5 Ditch unhealthy habits

Get rid of licking and biting lips or eating unhealthy food. These will just irritate the lips even more. Keeping your body hydrated can be the key to soft and pink lips. And green leafy vegetables, fruits and hydrating drinks to your diet.

*In addition to the above-listed points, make sure to apply a lip balm before going to bed*

There is a misconception among many people that you will require lip care balm only in winters. To be honest, the skin needs to be moisturised every day no matter what the weather or the type of skin is. If your lips are dry, follow the above-listed tips to get rid of them and your lips are naturally blessed, follow them to keep it shining!


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